Professional Profile
Experienced in evaluating accessibility of digital properties using current WCAG 2.0 and 2.1 guidelines and Section 508 of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Experience in following framework standards and working with clients in all phases of the software development cycle.
Skilled in Adobe Creative Suite CC (Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign and Dreamweaver).
Experience working in group brainstorming and design settings and using task management software Basecamp and Slack.
Familiar with prototyping programs Axure, InVision and Marvel and email management software such as Icontact and Litmus Editor.
Certified Professional in Accessibility Core Competencies (CPACC, 2018 - 2021) and member of the International Association of Accessibility Professionals.
Professional Experience
Chatham University – Pittsburgh PA (Shadyside)
Graduate assistant for Marketing and Communications Department Jan 2016–May 2017
Graduate assistant for Marketing and Communications Department Jan 2016–May 2017
Create and update promotional emails for various university departments.
Use bootstrap templates to create and manage university webpages.
Assist in creation and editing of various print projects using Illustrator and InDesign.
Development of 20th anniversary Arboretum collateral including an updated walking
tour map and a set of tree information cards.
Staples, Inc. – Pittsburgh PA (East Liberty)
Easy Tech and Print Solutions Associate April 2013–June 2016
Easy Tech and Print Solutions Associate April 2013–June 2016
Drive sales on computers, printers and other electronics.
Operate large volume printers, copiers and wide format poster printers.
Interact with diverse types of customers and assist them with purchases and print projects.
Chatham University – Pittsburgh PA
Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Design May 2017
Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Design May 2017
Thesis focused on improving the accessibility of the Web by introducing the topic to young children.
Wrote and illustrated children’s book about four web accessibility principles as design component of thesis.
Developed experience and additional skills in:
Film treatment writing
Film editing (Final Cut Pro X)
App design (front-end), usability testing and user experience design
Digital illustration
Client based branding
Edinboro University – Edinboro PA
Bachelor of Arts in Applied Media Arts with Graphic Design Concentration December 2012
Bachelor of Arts in Applied Media Arts with Graphic Design Concentration December 2012
Took classes in many disciplines including:
Web design
Traditional animation
3-dimensional arts
Client based projects
Submission into two gallery shows in 2010 and 2012.
Other Interests and Skills
Member of the Three Rivers Rowing Association (TRRA) Adaptive Crew
and Fleet Feet Flyers Run Club, Competitive bagpipe player, Girl Scout Gold Awardee
and Fleet Feet Flyers Run Club, Competitive bagpipe player, Girl Scout Gold Awardee